' ...These sound like insurmountable problems, but if evolution is true there must have been creatures that made the leap successfully. In 2004 Neil Shubin and his team set themselves the challenge of finding exactly this transitional fossil....In the end it took four expeditions to Ellesmere Island over a period of six years to find what they were looking for, but when they did it exceeded all expectations. It would hardly be possible to make up a fossil more perfect as a transition between fish and land-living animals than Tiktaalik... They knew that the transition from fish to land happened 375 million years ago. They knew where rocks of this age were to be found and they went to that place and found precisely what they predicted must exist..."
A fossil that proves, overwhelmingly, the evolutionary transition from sea to land forms. Wow. Imagine that. Of course there's always going to be some peons that don't accept this amazing body of evidence. Massive.
And that critter Tiktaalik.
'...Tiktaalik stumbled on an alternative – get out the water...'
What a forward thinker that Tiktaalik. " If I'm gonna survive I gotta git outa this here water. Yessiree Bob."
Mountains of evidence. Mountains.